
Summer Pack Activity #1: Rain Gutter Regatta

Jun 10 2024 - 6:00pm
Jun 10 2024 - 7:30pm
Christ Church Episcopal

Summer Rain Gutter Regatta Night

Aug 26 2019 - 6:30pm
Aug 26 2019 - 7:30pm
Outside CCE Garage

Summer Recruiting

Posted on Jul 15 2013 - 3:59pm

Dear Scouts/Parents of Pack 788,

Thank you for participating in Pack 788!  Leadership is getting very excited about our summer activities and the upcoming scouting year.  The scouts in our Pack 788 have many friends outside of Pack 788 and I am sure they keep in touch with all of them during summer break.  All of the parents of Pack 788 are involved in the community and see other parents at events and functions during the summer, so we wanted to let everyone know that we are in the new Cub Scout recruiting season.  We have great summer events planned; Water Night (water bottle rocket launching) and Rain Gutter Regatta (Race the fish!) and we are extending an invitation for our scouts to invite their friends who may be interested in joining Pack 788. 

The basic thought of this offer is to get your current Cub Scouts to help recruit their friends into the pack.  Studies show that current Cub Scouts will stay involved if they are participating with their friends. We have always had a “boys recruit boys” philosophy, but we wanted to make everyone aware of the ability to invite their friends interested in joining Pack 788.  This year we are counting on you to help them become salesmen for Scouting. Your current Cub Scout will have more fun if their friends join with them, and they will stay in Scouting longer. There will be less negative peer pressure when their friends are also Scouts.

Help Pack 788 recruit boys into the great program that 788 offers, a program that will positively affect the lives of the boys and their families!

If your friend is interested in joining Pack 788 and wants to attend one of the summer events just email their name, address and parents’ email address and I will send them a personalized invitation via email.  (john@awtresources.com or (804) 647-0952)

Summer Sports Night

Jun 21 2021 - 6:30pm
Jun 21 2021 - 7:30pm
CCE - Outside

Summer Sports Night

Jun 24 2019 - 6:30pm
Jun 24 2019 - 7:30pm
Outside CCE Garage

Summer Water Rocket Night

Jul 22 2019 - 6:30pm
Jul 22 2019 - 7:30pm
Outside CCE Garage

T-Shirt Sizes Needed!!!

Posted on Oct 9 2014 - 11:46pm

To Scout Parents,

This year Pack788 is providing one new T-Shirt (Class-B) to every scout in the pack.  If you have not done so already, please provide your Den Leader your scout's T-Shirt size at the next Den Meeting.  We are also taking orders for extras or adult T-Shirts for $15 per shirt.  There will be very limited size exchanges available after the order is recieved.  We must order the shirts by next Tuesday in order to receive them by the campout. 

If you are unable to make the next Den Meeting, please email cubmaster@pack788.org your scout's size and any extra orders.  The sizes available;  YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2X, A3X

(Remember to order one size larger .... all of our scouts are growing like weeds!) 

TBD - Spring Camp

Apr 26 2025
Apr 26 2025

TBD - Spring Camp

Apr 25 2025
Apr 25 2025

The 2015 Pine Wood Derby has concluded!

Posted on Jan 28 2015 - 9:27pm


 Pack 788

2015 Pinewood Derby



The 2015 Pine Wood Derby has concluded.  What a great race!  All of our scouts, siblings, families, friends and leaders had a lot of fun!