
Lions Den Meeting

Nov 11 2019 - 6:30pm
Nov 11 2019 - 7:30pm
CCE Garage

Lions Den Meeting

Jan 13 2020 - 6:30pm
Jan 13 2020 - 7:30pm
CCE Garage

Lions Den Meeting

Mar 9 2020 - 6:30pm
Mar 9 2020 - 7:30pm
CCE Garage

Looking for Leaders!

Posted on May 31 2018 - 8:05am

Here are the Pack volunteer and leadership positions we currently need to be filled. Please contact Anne Keo, Jon Taylor, or Doug Popik if you have questions or are interested in any of the following. Next year, each family will be required to volunteer for an activity/event outside of Den meetings. Pick your preferred position early!

March 31 Price Increase for Cardinal District Day Camp

Posted on Mar 27 2014 - 9:53pm


Go ahead and register your scout now for Day Camp, before the price increases Tuesday! Even if you aren't sure which parent will volunteer on which day, you can figure that out later. You also have time to pay - payment isn't due until mid-May. BUT if you don't register online by Monday midnight, the price goes up!

Cub Scout Day Camp (Days of Knights) will be held June 16-20th at Deep Run Park. Day Camp is an exciting opportunity for scouts to participate in Archery, BBs, Fishing, Sports, and many other fun activities. For interested scouts, the Scout Registration Guide has more information and instructions on how to register. Please note the following KEY Points: 

  1. The On-Time Registration Price is $85 through March 31st
  2. After March 31st, the price with late fee increases to $95 during April, $105 during May, and $120 during June.
  3. Registrations will close at the end of day on June 5th or earlier if camp fills.
  4. Day Camp runs by volunteers only. For your scout to attend, one adult family member must volunteer as a chaperone one day that week, or you can volunteer for Set-Up or Take-Down the Sunday prior or last day of camp (Friday).

May 1st Pack Meeting

Posted on Apr 27 2017 - 7:55pm

Monday night is a Pack Meeting in The Garage Building!

Come see all the awards the Scouts have worked hard to earn over the past few months.  We hope to have some special visitors from Boy Scout Troop 788 who will work with the boys to tie knots after our program.  

Meeting Changes

Posted on Apr 10 2018 - 2:35pm

Please note that there is now a den meeting on April 30, and no meeting on May 7 due to the spring campout.

Meeting Locations

Posted on Dec 29 2016 - 11:52am

Please remember that all Pack 788 events will now be held in the GCC Building (The Garage) at Christ Church.

For a complete list of meetings and events, please visit www.pack788.org and click on the "Calendar" link. 

New Announcements

Posted on May 24 2017 - 11:54am

Congrats to all Scouts who earned their Rank Awards at the last Pack Meeting!

The summer picnic is on June 9th and 6:00, and a signup genius link has been sent out via email to all famiies to sign up.  Please email me with questions at joshua.sachleben@gmail.com

New Scout Recruiting Day @ Rivers Edge Elementary School

Sep 17 2012 - 11:30am
Sep 17 2012 - 1:30pm
Cafeteria Hallway, Rivers Edge Elementary School